Tubéreuse Absolue by Perris Monte Carlo, Eau de Parfum 100 ml
TUBÉREUSE ABSOLUE stands as a rare treasure in the realm of perfumery. Revered as "La belle Dame sans Merci" - "the beautiful woman without gratitude", tuberose made its way to France in the 16th century, introduced by a missionary. Originating from Central America and cultivated by the Aztecs, tuberose is characterized by its delicate nature, boasting long, slender white flowers. Symbolizing forbidden pleasures and opulence, this nocturnal bloomer emits a potent aroma from its waxy, oily petals. Tuberose essence finds favor in countries such as Egypt, Morocco, Martinique and India, where its allure continues to captivate.
TUBÉREUSE ABSOLUE Eau de Parfum emanates a smoky, dark and sensual fragrance imbued with elegance. It envelops the senses with an unmatched intensity and sophistication.
Tuberose's mystique, intertwined with its forbidden allure, is heightened by its historical narrative. Omixochitl, with its white flowers reminiscent of skeletons that unfold only at dusk, held profound significance in ancient Mexico. "Omixochitl" originates from the Aztec language Nahuatl and made its way to the fragrance world in the 16th century, retaining its distinct allure. While the essence of closed tuberose flowers may harmonize with clean and creamy accords, its true essence lies in its dark, seductive and sensual nature - a characteristic vividly portrayed in this fragrance.
Our TUBÉREUSE ABSOLUE fragrance embodies the culmination of meticulous work with the raw material, evoking a sensory journey to the depths of allure. Wear this fragrance with nonchalance and experience its transformative effect firsthand.
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