
Nomenclature New York– An avant-garde fragrance collection that celebrates the art of molecular perfumery. Founded byKarl BradlandCarlos Quintana,the brand standsNOMENCLATUREfor innovative and futuristic creations that celebrate the beauty and potential of modern fragrance molecules.

Every composition bynomenclatureis a tribute to a special fragrance molecule that is at the heart of the creation. Perfumes like'Lumen_esce'with its radiant, luminous character or'Orb_ital'with its warm, woody notes show the versatility and elegance of synthetic raw materials. With perfumers such asFrank VoelklandBertrand DuchaufourThe brand creates exceptional fragrances that are minimalist yet complex.

nomenclaturecombines science with art and places the molecule as the star. The aesthetically modern bottles reflect this philosophy and underline the timeless elegance of the brand.

This collection is a tribute to the possibilities of modern perfumery and is aimed at fragrance lovers who seek the unusual and recognize the beauty in science.Nomenclature New Yorkinvites you to experience the future of perfumery today


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10 products

adr_ettFresh, Powdery
Sale price€115,00 50ml (€2.300,00/l)
holy_woodFloral, Woody
Sale price€125,00 50ml (€2.500,00/l)
mintedAromatic, Woody
Sale price€168,00 75ml (€2.240,00/l)
neo roseneo rose
neo roseFloral, Woody
Sale price€168,00 75ml (€2.240,00/l)
orb_italSmoky, Synthetic
Sale price€115,00 50ml (€2.300,00/l)
palmettoGreen, Spicy
Sale price€168,00 75ml (€2.240,00/l)
pink ivorypink ivory
pink ivoryAquatic, Floral
Sale price€168,00 75ml (€2.240,00/l)
psy_couWoody, Spicy
Sale price€125,00 50ml (€2.500,00/l)
shi_soFresh, Green
Sale price€115,00 50ml (€2.300,00/l)
wood dewwood dew
wood dewFloral, Woody
Sale price€168,00 75ml (€2.240,00/l)


Nomenclature celebrates the design in perfume chemistry by showcasing today's most fascinating and exclusive molecules. These molecules are so unique that some of them, known as "captives," are fiercely guarded by fragrance companies. 

The brand explores the complex facets of these molecules through a series of clear and elegant compositions, highlighting their potential as protagonists in the world of fragrances. Nomenclature emphasizes the unique beauty of these synthetically created hybrid molecules, which represent a perfect fusion of poetry and science, thus showcasing modern perfume-making in an innovative manner.

The power of nomenclature - the best synthetic fragrance building blocks

Their names may not be familiar to you, but their scents are. In fact, you are probably wearing their scent right now. Without them, your perfume would be unthinkable.

While the spotlight is on natural essences, it is the synthetic ones that are opening up revolutionary worlds of fragrance in the shadows. The discovery of cumarin in 1881 led to the first modern perfume, Fougère Royale. Aldehydes gave Chanel N°5 its abstract glow. Ethylvanillin intensified the rich bouquet of Shalimar. Hedione® gave Eau Sauvage a radiant luminescence. And no contemporary fragrance would be complete without synthetic moschus or the ubiquitous Iso E Super.

Whether mimicking nature, revealing its deepest secrets or venturing into botanically impossible scents, synthetic ingredients are the true building blocks of perfumery. Elegant solutions discovered by scientists and applied to the skin and our noses by laboratories.

Nomenclature celebrates design in perfume chemistry by presenting today's most inspiring and exclusive molecules - so exclusive that some of them, the so-called "captives", are jealously guarded by perfume companies.

Through a series of clear and slender compositions, Nomenclature explores their complex facets and their potential as protagonists. It shows that these man-made hybrids of poetry and science have a beauty all their own.

The beauty of modernity.


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