Filippo Sorcinelli
Filippo Sorcinelli is a lifestyle brand born from a fusion of different arts. In 2014, the first perfume in the UNUM collection was born as a tribute to the LAVS atelier. It was perceived as a kind of olfactory tailoring, followed by fragrances dedicated to the artistic passions of its creator: Gothic, music, photography... the mist.
LAVS is Unum's first perfume and stands for L.A.V.S. Atelier (Laboratorio Atelier Vesti Sacre), where Filippo Sorcinelli and his partner Marcello create liturgical vestments (worn by Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis). Unum is modern perfumery with a conceptual style. The whole line reminds me of religion, dark arts and symbols. The birth of the fragrance is nothing but a coincidence. Initially, LAVS was conceived as a room fragrance. Filippo scented the vestments from his atelier with LAVS when they were delivered to the clergy.
Then Filippo Sorcinelli realised that his customers liked to wear it as a personal perfume and he thought about launching an extrait de parfum line. LAVS is the first interpretation from the line and is based on sacred and seemingly dark rituals.
Filippo Sorcinelli is not just about niche perfumes; the company's projects extend explosively into all areas: Art, events, fashion, design, in a lifestyle concept that embraces different aspects of the present through unusual shapes and materials.
A journey through spirituality and harmony, in a constant and bold search for beauty.
The UNUM collection by Filippo Sorcinelli
UNUM, derived from the Latin for ‘one, unique’, wants to describe the uniqueness of his journey, which is suffered and intense, true and spiritual, which is nothing other than his life, and it wants to share it in honesty and truth.
UNUM is about the spirit. It's not just about spirituality. Born from the realisation that the spirit transcends all boundaries and encompasses the pulsating lifeblood of every population, based on their traditions, but without being sterile. UNUM, as an olfactory tailoring company open to any artistic contamination, wants to speak about the part that is in each of us and celebrate what cannot be touched by our hands.
Free and infinite.
FILIPPO SORCINELLI prefers to speak with art about truth and not carelessness, about the density of substance and not superficiality, with a clear light at the end of the ‘tunnel’: the harmony of beauty, even through unusual shapes and materials.
FILIPPO SORCINELLI wants to offer consumers maximum sensory satisfaction through a multi-sensory experience. The birth of UNUM is just that: an olfactory need born to complete the beauty of sight, the tactile satisfaction and the vibration of sound, moving with its rapid evolution also to the pleasure of taste.
FILIPPO SORCINELLI therefore promotes: MULTISENSORY CONCERTS where, throughout Europe, the senses are involved and merged in the transcendence of substance.
AWAKENING EVENTS using different art forms where the other senses experience the perfume, such as ‘smelling the sounds’ and ‘hearing the smells’ at dinners in the dark.
FILIPPO SORCINELLI organised in July/August 2018 and was the initiator of the first international festival of synaesthesia in Italy: at peace among the senses.
The brand was registered under the name ‘Synaesthesia’ and will organise events to present beauty, art, science and mystery worldwide under the direction and art direction of Filippo Sorcinelli.
Synaesthesia is a fascinating phenomenon in which the senses are interconnected, so that stimulation of one sense triggers a perception in another sensory area.
For example, people with synaesthesia can see sounds as colours or perceive letters as tastes. This connection between the senses can be experienced in different ways and is often very personal for those who experience it.
In the art world, synaesthesia is often seen as a source of inspiration as it opens up a unique perspective on the world. Artists can use synaesthesia to create their work by combining colours with sounds or associating texture with taste. This often results in a rich, multi-sensory experience for those viewing or experiencing their art.
In the context of FILIPPO SORCINELLI and its commitment to synaesthesia, it is about celebrating this connection of the senses and using it as a basis for creative and multisensory experiences.
Through events such as multi-sensory concerts and perceptual events, Sorcinelli aims to blur the boundaries between the senses and enable people to experience the world in a completely new way.
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